
Easy Ways to Improve Your Writing Skills     For better or for worse, school is filled with writing homework. Good writing is important for getting a good grade.  36  Luckily, anyone can improve his or her writing with the right guidance and a little practice. Here are four easy tips to help you improve your writing skills: 1. Organize your thoughts first. Good writers outline their thoughts before starting putting their pens to paper or hands to a keyboard. Firstly, write out each main topic. Next, list subtopics(小标题) beneath much main topic. Lastly, put the topics and subto13.某化学兴趣小组的同学来到实验室准备做制取气体的实验,如图是实验室制取气体常用的装置:(1)请你告诉小红同学,如图中标号仪器的名称a试管b分液漏斗.(2)小雨同学打算用加热高锰酸钾的方法制取氧气.该反应的化学方程式是2KMnO4$\frac{\underline{\;\;△\;\;}}{\;}$K2MnO4+MnO2+O2↑,其发生装置应选A.(填字母标号,下同)(3)小丽想用大理石和稀盐酸反应制取CO2,那她应该选择的气体收集装置是D;若要制得干燥的CO2,还应将气体通过F装置.
英语 试题推荐