
 Trust is like money. It is so difficult to earn, easy to waste and no matter how much you have, it is just never enough. For you, as a teenager, trust may seem to be a complicated word. ____11____ This can cause a lot of tension between you, and also can make you feel disappointed and angry. It is impossible for you to be the perfect teenager and child. ___12____ But when it comes to trust, you need to understand something. The degree to which your parents give you their trust needs to match the degree to which you prove yourself trustworthy. ___13___ If you want their trust, you ha将下面的长句改写成三个语意连贯的短句。(3分)唐代诗人张若虚笔下那姣好和媚人的被中国人寄托了无尽的美好想象和幸福向往的在人们心目中是圣洁、美好、吉祥的象征的明月常常在皓月当空、清辉泻地的夜晚激起异乡游子炽烈的乡思。___________________________________________________________________
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