
Fang Li, an outstanding Chinese female author, released her new book I Send My 3 Children to Harvard at a launch ceremony in Beijing on September 18. Fang is a senior engineer who works in Silicon Valley, the United States, and has obtained more than 24 American invention patents in the past few years. The woman also actively takes part in various social activities in her spare time while showing a great passion for reading and writing. Under her good educational guidance, her son has been successfully elected as president of the Student Union in California and published a book. Meanwh选出下列各项中成语(或熟语)使用不规范的一项:()A.他的动机和作法虽有欠妥之处,但也无可厚非;希望今后有所改变。B.本来是自己惹的祸,却千方百计转嫁给别人,这种以邻为壑的做法,着实令人气愤。C.近日,古巴再次拒绝了美国政府的援助。古巴官员表示,对于美国政府的如意算盘,古巴政府洞若观火,将予以最直接的回应。D.专家指出,教育孩子一定要讲究方式方法,要多交流沟通,多尊重鼓励,不能总是耳提面命,絮絮叨叨的。
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