
    An extreme hike in hot climate is one with challenges that can include rough mountains and severe weather conditions.  61  is important to make sure you are prepared for the conditions. A recreational(娱乐的) hike can turn into a nightmare if you don’t have the right clothing. Wear a long-­sleeved shirt and long pants. Both should be light-­colored in order to reflect the sun’s rays.   62   the climate is hot, you will probably spend most of the hike in the short-sleeved shirt and shorts.  63  , you may need protection from the sun and insects,   64  l阅读下面的材料,根据要求写作。①战争年代,一首《义勇军进行曲》使中华民族在“到了最危险的时候,每个人都会发出最后的吼声”中艰难崛起,用生命的强音筑起中华民族坚不可摧的血肉长城。②改革年代,一首《春天的故事》用感人肺腑的歌词、亲切舒缓的旋律,再现了当年“南方谈话”前后中国改革的大背景,激励了改革开放的弄潮儿。③现今,一大批经久不衰、吸引人感染人的歌曲,如《我们都是追梦人》、《复兴号子》等,无一例外唱出了时代的关注,更是点亮当代青少年爱国精神火炬的重要“助燃剂”。有时候,歌声比语言更能打动人心,更能让时代精神代代相传。对于以上材料,你有什么思考和联想?请结合材料,选好角度,确定立意,明确文体,自拟标题;不要套作,不得抄袭;不少于800字。
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