
Chelsea’s father bad always been concerned about him from the very beginning. When Chelsea was in senior school and got eight A’s and two B's,his father asked about the B’s. Later,as he grew up and 41 the wonderful girl he was in love with,his father warned that she might be 42 from what he thought No matter what Chelsea did,it was 43 enough to satisfy his father. Chelsea’s father was 44 when Chelsea decided to take a job in another town. He tried to 45 Chelsea's plan,so he explained the 46 of being close to the family and the dangers and the difficulties of living in a complete已知:环丙烷、环丁烷、环戊烷在催化剂的作用和加热条件下都能与氢气发生类似的反应,如环丁烷与氢气反应可用下列反应式表示:      碳原子数不大于4的环烷烃可与卤素、卤化氢发生类似反应,而碳原子数大于4的环烷烃与卤素则发生取代反应。 试填空: (1)环丙烷、环丁烷与Cl2的反应是      (填反应类型); (2)由环丁烷和Cl2为原料制取1,3-丁二烯的方法是:首先制取       (填结构简式),然后再由它通过      (填反应类型)即得到1,3-丁二烯; (3)已知二甲苯充分加氢后得到烃A,A再与溴反应时发生取代反应,产物之一为B;B的相对分子质量比A大158;C分子的一取代物只有两种;F的分子式为C16H24O4。一定条件下可以它们可发生下述转化: 写出A和C物质的结构简式:A          ;C           ; 写出下列反应的化学方程式: B→D:                                                   ; E→F:__________                                     _________。 
英语 试题推荐