
The Airport Art Program is proud to have three Youth Art Galleries at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. Georgia students, from kindergarten(幼儿园)to twelfth grade, are given the chances to have their artwork exhibited to an ever-changing audience(观众)in the millions. In return these talented youths provide new artwork every three months to enrich the airport. The first gallery opened in the summer of 1997. In December of 1998 a second gallery opened. Both of these galleries are organized by the Airport Art Program and Georgia Art Education Association(GAEA).作文(共40分)在尊重个性、崇尚自我的今天,我们需要经常对自己说“不”。尽管我们渴望得到他人的赞扬和肯定,然而,在成绩和荣誉面前,我们需要清醒地对自己说“不”。尤其是当我们把父母的忠告当作一种束缚,把老师的教诲当成一种说教,把同学善意的批评视为一种妒忌……此时,我们更需要对自己说“不”。对自己说“不”,是正视自己弱点和错误的表现,这需要一种勇气,更需要一种善于自我认识的智慧。请以“对自己说‘不’”为题写一篇文章,或叙述你曾有过的经历和体验,或谈谈你对这个问题的看法。文体自选,不少于500字。
英语 试题推荐