
      The Zebra Finch : An Owner ’s  Guide to a Happy Healthy Pet   The zebra finch,a native of Australia,is a popular domestic pet in the United States. The bird has many attributes (特性)which allow it to be kept at home,though there are also a few negative aspects. The attributes are nest-building, breeding and a lively attitude. The potential negatives are over- breeding and the wildness of the birds.   One of the main attributes of zebra finches is their ability to breed. They are the rabbits of the domestic bird world. Once you have two birds, male and femal穆罕默德·阿里对土地改革的措施不包括(  )A.取消包税人的免税地B.没收违规宗教地产C.将全国土地平均分配D.确立土地私有制度
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