
The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) says 200 million Africans go to sleep hungry, that number represents 23 percent of the population on the continent. A new UN study shows that eight out of ten countries facing the worst food shortage are in Africa. Recently African experts, farmers and others gathered in Kenya for two days of discussion. They debated ways to feed the growing human population in Africa and deal with rising temperatures on earth surface. The UN Climate Change Coordinator for Africa, Richard Munang was one of the speakers. He noted a need to increase food pro依次填入下列各横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是 [     ]①一生都在______讽刺艺术的马季,身后的追悼会,竟也充满了讽刺意味。有的当红明星因不堪追逐,从花圈底下狼狈穿过,才得以脱身。你追我躲,好不热闹。②一生坎坷,念兹在兹的是中国苦难的历史,表达的是中国知识分子九死不悔的精神追求。他不是以轻松的音符______听众,而是以沉重的旋律唤醒历史的记忆。③第一代企业家受的正规知识教育比较少;第二代企业家很多是大学生,甚至是研究生,有政府的背景,_______全局的能力比较强。A.演出 取悦 统领B.演绎 取悦 统揽C.演出 愉悦 统揽D.演绎 愉悦 统领
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