
Five Things Ambitious People Never Say 1.“I can’t do this—it’s too hard.” Ambitious people never limit themselves or undervalue hard work with these words. _______36________ 2.“I’m not good enough.” Ambitious people never say they are not good enough. Saying you are not good enough holds you back and makes you vulnerable to quit when things get a little rough. And quitting when things get a little rough is never a good thing. The most successful people in the world are not quitters. _______37________Be confident and believe in yourself, or no one else will. 3. “I won“英国1796年时,120名下院议员是贵族或贵族子孙,占下院总人数的21%,还有数百人与贵族有亲戚关系,或者是在贵族的赞助下当选的,二者加在一起,超过全院人数的70%。”此材料直接反映了( )A.英国民主代议制是少数人的民主 B.英国的议会席位主要由贵族把控C.英国资产阶级革命任务没有完成D.光荣革命是新旧势力妥协的结果
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