
Queen Victoria was born on 24 May, 1819. She was the granddaughter of George III. and her father, Edward was fourth in line to the throne.     Edward married Princess Victoria from Germany and the couple had just one child, Alexandrina Victoria, who was born at Kensington Palace in 1819.When she was a young girl, Victoria’s father died, followed 6 days later by King George III. The throne then passed to King William IV, but he also died early. This left Victoria to be crowned at the age of 18, in June 1837. Queen Victoria was to reign until her death on January 22nd, 1901.  The 柳|||| 阅读下面两首诗,然后回答问题 柳 李商隐 曾逐东风拂舞筵,乐游春苑断肠天。 如何肯到清秋日,已带斜阳又带蝉! 咏柳 曾巩 乱条犹未变初黄,倚得东风势便狂。 解把飞花蒙日月,不知天地有清霜。 (1)请分别简要概括两首咏柳诗不同的思想感情 ________________ (2)指出“逐”“倚”二字的修辞手法,并结合作品简要分析在两首诗中的表达效果 ________________
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