
    It was a sports stadium(体育场).Eight children were standing on the track(跑道)to take part in a running event.     With the   (1) of the pistol(枪),all eight girls atsrted running. They had hardly covered ten to fifteen steps,then one of the girls slipped and  (2)  .Because of bruises(擦伤)and pain,she started crying.When the other  (3)  girls heard this sound.they stopped running.After they stood for a while they all ran back to the place where the girls fell down.One  (4)  them bent down and kissed the girl gently在平面直角坐标系中,O为坐标原点.(1)已知点A(3,1),连接OA,平移线段OA,使点O落在点B.设点A落在点C,作如下探究:探究一:若点B的坐标为(1,2),请在图1中作出平移后的像,则点C的坐标是______;连接AC,BO,请判断O,A,C,B四点构成的图形的形状,并说明理由;探究二:若点B的坐标为(6,2),按探究一的方法,判断O,A,B,C四点构成的图形的形状.(温馨提示:作图时,别忘了用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔描黑喔!)(2)通过上面的探究,请直接回答下列问题:①若已知三点A(a,b),B(c,d),C(a+c,b+d),顺次连接O,A,C,B,请判断所得到的图形的形状;②在①的条件下,如果所得到的图形是菱形或者是正方形,请选择一种情况,写出a,b,c,d应满足的关系式.
英语 试题推荐