
阅读理解。 Everyone needs friends.There is an old saying:Friends are God's way of taking care of us. But how do you find real friendship and keep it?The Care and Keeping of Friends by American author Sally Seamans tells young students some smart ways to find friends.Sally says finding friendship is just like planting a tree.You plant the seed (种子)and take care of it to make it grow. First,you should choose a friend.What makes a good friend?It is not because a person has money or a good look.A good friend should be kind and patient.For example,if you have a bad day, 下列各组性状中,属于相对性状的是: [  ] A. 豌豆的高茎与绿色豆荚 B. 羊的黑毛与兔的白毛 C. 棉花的细绒与长绒 D. 人的双眼皮与单眼皮
英语 试题推荐