
Many of us know what it feels like to be an outsider in high school. Some give in to the pressure to fit in; others remain on the bottom of the social food chain  However, Alexandra Robbins, the author of the book The Geeks Shall Inherit The Earth believes what makes people unpopular in high school, mainly an unwillingness to obey, tends to translate into success as an adult. Robbins has spent the past decade analyzing the behavior of high school students. She found the things that make a student different make them a target. But in adulthood and outside of the school setting, the thi阅读下面的古诗,回答问题。 送范山人归泰山( ),别余往泰山。初行若片云,杳在青崖间。高高至天门,日观近可攀。云山望不及,此去何时还。【1】这首诗的作者是_____,后人尊称他为“______”。【2】下列说法正确的一项是( )。A. 这首诗表达了诗人不畏艰险,勇于攀登,对美好生活的无限向往。B. 这首诗表达了诗人对祖国山河的热爱。C. 这首诗表达了诗人对隐士生活的向往。D. 这是一首送别诗,表达了诗人对友人的一片深情。【3】解释诗句中加点字的意思。 (1)别余往泰山。______________(2)杳在青崖间。___________【4】请用以下5个字组成一句诗填入诗中括号内。 白 鲁 抱 客 鹤【5】诗中画横线的句子隐含着一个六字成语,请写在下面横线上。___________________________________________________________
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