
Are you facing a situation  61  makes you feel upset? To be honest, I am. I usually start the morning by checking the social networking website Facebook, only  62   (see) that I’ve already fallen behind. A workmate has written a new book. Two of my  63  (hero) have completed a big project. One of my old college friends has posted a video for an online program she   64  (take) at the moment. She looks successful, shiny and charming  65  I’m still in bed, bleary-eyed. Am I really falling behind? Did these people post any of these things to make me feel bad? The answer is n西周确立的宗法制虽然在春秋战国之际遭到破坏,但宗法制对中国古代的皇位继承仍然存在影响。下列各项符合宗法制原则的是 A.唐太宗李世民除掉长兄太子李建成后继位B.宋太祖赵匡胤死后,其弟赵光义继位C.嘉庆皇帝死后,皇后所生长子旻宁继位D.因不喜欢嫡长子胤礽,康熙指定四子胤禛继位
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