
Kids’ health:Four steps for fighting stress Everybody gets stressed from time to time. 36 Some ways of dealing with stress—like screaming or hitting someone—don’t solve(解决) much.But other ways,like talking to someone you trust,can lead you to solving your problem or at least feeling better.  Try taking these four steps the next time you are stressed: (1)Get support.When you need help,reach out to the people who care about you.Talk to a trusted adult,such as a parent or other relatives. 37 They might have had similar problems,such as dealing with a test,or the death of a读下面资料,运用地理知识回答下面的问题.…北京故宫始建于永乐年间.建筑所需木料,主要来自南方的川湘赣等地.伐下的巨木顺江而下自西向东运到南京,然后沿运河北上运到北京地区.石料主要来自河北太行山区,这里盛产汉白玉.聪明的石匠在去北京的路上打下了很多眼井,冬季把井水泼到地面上,形成冰层,用旱船载石的方法把巨石运到了北京.…(1)文中提到的“湘”“赣”分别是指什么省份?湘: 赣: (2)“南京”是哪个省的行政中心?南京: “河北”的行政中心设在哪个城市?河北: (3)请写出巨木运输途中所利用的两条江河(带着重号)的名称.“顺江而下”的“江”指的是 .“沿运河北上”,运河是指今天的 运河.(4)太行山是我国重要的地形分界线,请写出该山脉东西两侧的地形区名称.太行山以东是 ,太行山以西是 .(5)太行山是 省和 省的分界山.(6)资料中北京这座城市的气候类型是 .
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