
 “苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之”是林则徐的著名诗句,是他爱国情怀的写照。作为中华民族的民族英雄,林则徐领导了 A.虎门销烟       B.三元里抗英         C.定海战役        D.吴淞口战役 答案:ASafety comes first. Which is right?① When you are alone at home, open the door as soon as someone knocks at the door.②Pay attention to the gas, water and electricity.③Walk across the street when the traffic lights turn green.④Don’t mention our private matters when we meet a stranger.⑤Always meet the persons who you know on the Internet.A.②③④ B.①②⑤ C.①③⑤
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