
阅读理解 Fiona likes to listen to music. She likesto listen to classical music. Now she is listening to Beethoven's Symphony (交响曲) No.5. The music is about fate knocking on the door. Fate is the unseen power oflife. Fate changes our lives. Fate designs our lives. Fiona likes this music.She feels the power of music. Suddenly, somebody knocks on her door. Shegoes to the door and opens it. There is a man at the door. The man is old. Hehas grey hair and a grey beard (胡须). Shedoesn't know who the person is. The man says he is her father. She closes thedoor in front of the man. She sta某有机物甲经氧化后得乙(分子式为C2H3O2Cl),而甲经水解可得丙。1mol丙和2mol乙反应得一种含氯的酯(C6H8O4Cl2)。由此推断甲的结构简式为(  ) A. B. C.CH2ClCHO D.HOCH2CH2OH  
英语 试题推荐