
根据短文内容的理解,选择正确答案。 Sometimes called Amazonia, the rainforest of the Amazon River basin is the largest in the world. It stretches (延伸) across more than half of Brazil and parts of seven other South American countries (and French Guiana). With a land area of 2.7 million square miles, the Amazon rainforest is almost two thirds the size of the US. Rainforests are important to the health of the entire planet. Often called the lungs of the planet, the Amazon rainforest, with its rich plant life, stores carbon dioxide while giving out the oxygen we need to survive13.2014年8月7日八年级某同学最近患上了流行性感冒,他在家中找到了一瓶治疗感冒的药物,看了瓶上的标签(如图所示)后,认为此药不宜服用.最可能的原因是(  )A.药不对症B.药物的副作用太大C.没有医嘱,不能服用D.药物已过期
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