
解分式方程: 答案:方程两边同乘以x(x+1),得 3=x(x+1)﹣3x 去括号,得 3=x2+x﹣3x 移项及合并同类项,得 x2﹣2x﹣3=0 ∴(x﹣3)(x+1)=0, 解得,x1=3,x2=﹣1, 经检验,x=3时原分式方程的根,x=﹣1不是原分式方程的根, ∴原分式方程的根是x=3.根据句意及所给的词首字母或汉语提示,补全单词。(注意:须把完整的单词写在答题卷的相应位置)【1】Here is some boiled water. Have a drink whenever you are t______.【2】We have to c______ the sports meeting because of the heavy rain.【3】The governments should develop l______ to stop people from killing sharks.【4】What an ______(丑陋的) picture! The park was badly polluted.【5】A recent _____ (调查) showed 75% people like playing cell phones in their free time.
数学 试题推荐