
听材料,回答问题。 (1) What time do the dancers need to arrive? A . 5: 00 pm. B . 6: 00 pm. C . 7: 00 pm. (2) What does Mrs Hannah do? A . She answers all questions. B . She is in charge of the dresses. C . She controls the music and lights. (3) What clothes should volunteers wear for the show? A . Black clothes. B . White clothes. C . Red clothes. (4) Why does Tina have to stay longer today? A . She needs to practice more. B . She came late today. C . There is a change in her part.如图为人体内控制某块肌肉收缩的反射弧模式图,a、b为灵敏电流计F的两个微型电极,置于神经细胞B和神经细胞D的膜外.请据如图分析:(1)如果d处给一适当的刺激,则d处细胞膜外的电位变化是 ,电流计指针发生两次方向 (相反/相同)的偏转.(2)在反射弧中,决定神经冲动单向传导的结构是 .(3)若从a处切断神经纤维,刺激d处,效应器 (能/不能)发生反应.
英语 试题推荐