
阅读理解 Nowmany young people are traveling around the world on their own, not because theyhave no one to travel with, but because theyprefer to go alone. KristinaWegscheider from California first traveled alone when she was at college and believes that it is somethingeveryone should do at least once in their life. It opens up your mind tonew things and pushes you out of your comfort zone. Wegscheider hasvisited 46 countries and regions covering all seven continents. Inforeign countries, with no one to help youread a map, look after you if you get ill, or lend you money if your wallet is依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一组是(3分)() 名著重拍应有传播民族优秀文化的担当,_____。____,_____,______,_____。_____,其未来的发展就会像逐浪的浮萍,难以找到自己的根系。某些名著重拍对民族文化的肆意放逐,实际上反映了创作者艺术良心的普遍缺失,缺乏担当意识的名著重拍其艺术生命一般不会走的很远。 ①用当代文化去激活民族优秀文化 ②不应是肆意的精神放逐 ③无论是一个民族、还是一个国家,放弃了对优秀民族文化精神家园的坚守 ④故名著重拍既要守望优秀民族文化的精神家园 ⑤名著重拍本应该是用民族优秀文化去烛照当代文化 ⑥更要拥抱当代文化的新境界与新天地 A.⑤①②④⑥③B.②④⑥⑤①③C.②⑤①④⑥③D.⑤①②③④⑥
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