
阅读下列材料,回答下列问题。材料一:西晋建国初期,晋武帝恢复了古代的分封制,封二十七个同姓王,以郡建国。之后不断扩大宗室诸王的权力。诸王可自行选用国中文武官员,收取封国的租税。材料二:匈奴左贤王刘宣等私议:“今司马氏骨肉相残,四海鼎沸,兴邦复业,此其时矣。”——《晋书·刘元海载记》 (1) 西晋初年为什么要恢复分封制,大封同姓为王?这种做法造成了怎样的不利局面? (2) 材料二中的“司马氏骨肉相 Now more and more students make friends on the Internet.They think that making friends online is a good idea.They don’t have to be shy.They can make more friends, old and young, boys and girls.Suppose you’re the headmaster of a middle school.You don’t agree with your students.Write a passage.(Please write 60 words or so.) _______________________
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