
阅读理解AI (人工智能) products are not new.However, researchers have been working to improve the technology. Now virtual (虚拟的) assistants, like Siri andAlexa, can have short conversations with us. AlphaGo taught itself to play Goand became better than the top human players.Now an AI system (系统) has been tasked withpassing a multiple-choice (多项选择) exam. The goal is to improve machines' language understanding andlogic (逻辑) with so-called computer vision (视觉).A system named Aristo wasdeveloped by the Allen Institute for AI, a lab in the United States city ofSeatt在实验室里,用托盘天平测一铜块的质量。当天平平衡时,右盘中放有50g、20g、10g的砝码各一个,游码位置如图B所示,游码读数为      g,则该铜块的质量为       g。 
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