
如图所示为一款工程机械外骨骼。外骨骼技术可以提供额外能量来供四肢运动,从而帮助人类携带更重的装备,以便在长时间的负重活动中保护人体不受伤害。该技术可被用做义肢,或被应用于军事或救援行动中。请从技术的价值角度对该技术进行评价。 答案:解:⑴对人的价值:保护人、解放人和发展人。①可以保护人体不受伤害;②可以提供额外的能量来供四肢运动;③外骨骼技术的发展与完善会激发人类的创新精神和实践能力。 ⑵对社会的价值:改变社会生活方式、促进社会经济的发展,并能在军事领域中发挥重要作用。Do you like travelling? If so, come to our travel service. 4-day Qingdao Private(私人的) TourQingdao has beautiful sunshine,white beaches and clean water. You can walk along the beaches and enjoy the fresh air. Price: 1 person 2-5 persons 6-9 persons ¥669¥550/person¥530/ person5-day Taiwan Group Tour Taiwan is a wonderful place. You can climb A-li Mountain, go boating in Sun Moon Lake.Price : ¥8,500 Call us at 800-850-82888-day London Private Tour Come to London for a few days to enjoy the Thames(泰晤士河) and visit Big Ben .Price: ¥16,800 Call us at 800-830-7288call us at 800-810-6288【1】Mrs Li is going to take the 4-day Qingdao Private Tour with her two daughters, how much is the tour?A. ¥1,590 B. ¥1650 C. ¥2007 D. ¥47,400【2】If you take the 8-day London Private Tour, you can ________________.A. eat Huaiyang food B. climb A-li MountainC. enjoy the Thames D. have the fresh air【3】The information may come from _________________.A. driving school B. travel service C. sports centre D. bus station
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