
听录音,回答问题。 (1) What is the main topic of the talk? A . The types of games pigs enjoy. B . A computer game featuring pigs. C . Some pigs being able to play video games. (2) How did the scientists feel about their findings? A . Surprised. B . Angry. C . Frightened. (3) What were the pigs rewarded with? A . Drinks. B . Entertainment. C . Food. (4) Who was good at the game according to the talk? A . Hamlet. B . Omelette. C . Ebony.推理是化学学习中常用的思维方法。下列推理正确的是(  )A.某溶液中滴入紫色石蕊试液变成蓝色,所以该溶液一定是碱溶液B.酸性溶液的pH小于7。食醋是酸性溶液,所以食醋的pH小于7C.酸能使紫色石蕊溶液变红。通入CO2后的紫色石蕊溶液变红,所以CO2是酸D.酸和碱发生中和反应生成盐和水,所以生成盐和水的反应一定属于中和反应
英语 试题推荐