
阅读理解Virtual reality Probably the most exciting tech development of recent times, virtual reality (VR) has arrived, with sufficient options available to the consumer who's searching for an extra amount of high-tech fun. The cheapest way to get a high-end VR experience comes courtesy of Sony. Its PlayStation VR doesn't require a tricked-out PC or expensive phone – it works with the Playstation 4 control board and comes with a few great games in its library. There is some equipment you can purchase to enhance the experience, but if you've already got a PS4 you can enter the world of VR 如图,把Rt△ABC放在直角坐标系内,其中∠CAB=90°,BC=5,点A、B的坐标分别为(1,0)、(4,0),将△ABC沿x轴向右平移,当点C落在直线y=2x-6上时,线段BC扫过的面积为________cm2.
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