
阅读理解Dearest darling girl, Today is the beginning of the next stage in your life. We head off to your new home at Stanford. Where do I start in telling you how proud I feel to be called Mummy by you? We've laughed at how you burst into this world with a scowl on your face, how determined you have always been right from feeding yourself to making big decisions for your life. There were days during your illness that I wasn't sure you had the will to make it. Telling you that you needed to want to get better was the hardest and yet the greatest day. From that day you took responsibility an关于力和运动的关系,下列说法正确的是( )A.物体不受力的作用时处于静止状态B.做匀速直线运动的物体一定不受力的作用C.物体运动状态改变时,一定受到力的作用D.物体运动速度越大其惯性越大
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