
大国交战函数:P=(1﹣F)(1﹣G),意为两极实力的悬殊程度(1﹣F)、多边与两极的实力悬殊程度(1﹣G)均与两极直接交战的可能性(P)成正相关关系。据此,下列历史推断或结论合理的是( ) A . 两极格局中争霸大国正面交战的可能性较低 B . 大国间实力对比发生重大变化一定导致热战 C . 国家力量对比均衡就可以彻底避免战争发生 D . 多极化趋势加强使得美俄对决的可能性增大听录音,在每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。每个句子读一遍。(     )1. A. He loves to read books.            B. I love playing soccer.            C. She often helps others. (     )2. A. They always hang out at the sports club on weekends.            B. You should tell your parents about your problems.            C. My math teacher finally came up with a great idea. (     )3. A. Did you have fun at the party last night?            B. Could you please tell me the answer?            C. Would you like to be a volunteer? (     )4. A. It's not polite to talk loudly in public places.            B. Loud music always makes me want to dance.            C. It's not good for little kids to stay up too late. (     )5. A. What can I do and eat to keep healthy?            B. What happened to you on April Fool's Day?            C. Why do you want to start work after finishing school?
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