
Dear Lucy, Thank you for your letter and your invitation. I really hope I can 1 with you. But I have to say 2 to you. I’m too 3next week! On Monday, I’d like to see the doctor. There is 4 wrong(有问题的)with my 5 . I can’t see people or things a little far6 me clearly(清楚地). Maybe I should7 a pair of glasses. On Tuesday, I have football training. You know, I’m in the football team of our school. We’ll have an English test on Friday morning,8 on Wednesday and Thursday I have to stay at home and study hard. On Friday afternoon, I’m going to a 9. My favorite s(2010广东理数)5. “”是“一元二次方程”有实数解的 A.充分非必要条件                B.充分必要条件 C.必要非充分条件                D.非充分必要条件
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