
《孙中山选集》下卷载“因此吾人欲证实民族主义实为健全之反帝国主义,则当努力于赞助国内各种平民阶级之组织,以发扬国民之能力。盖惟国民党与民众深切结合之后,中国民族之真正自由与独立,始有可望也”。材料反映的孙中山民族主义观是( ) A . 用暴力手段推翻满洲贵族的专制统治 B . 改变清政府推行的民族压迫政策 C . 认识到工农才是中国革命的真正力量 D . 主张反帝谋求民族的真正自由与独立My first memories of acts of kindness are from when I was about 12 years old.I always 21   people as soon as possible with whatever they needed. At that time, I noticed that many  22   people had difficulty going to the grocery store 23    a snowstorm.I would spend part of a  24    Saturday knocking on my elderly neighbor’s apartment doors to ask if they  25   anything from the store.The  26   was down a hill and I would bring back a couple of bags of goods for them.I liked it and it made them so   27   , too. My friends asked me 28   I was doing and after some time some of them  29   in and it became a  30    as time went by.I  31   asked for money for what I did, but sometimes the old ladies would  32    the change in my pocket secretly.The next time I would buy some flowers or cards for them. When I went to college, many of these people would  33   my mother about me,  34   my mother didn’t always know who they were.It was through those  35  between my mother and these people that she  36   what I used to do for them — I had never told her. I  37   helping others when I was 12 and it  38   until today.Now, I’m a teacher and teaching my students the art of true  39  .At first I wrote this for my diary, but my mother said why not  40  it with everyone.I hope this inspires younger people and the old alike. A.helped         B.gave            C.cared         D.offered A.lazy           B.tired           C.kind          D.old A.after          B.before          C.until            D.since A.fine          B.snowy          C.funny           D.busy A.got           B.fetched         C.needed          D.took A.store          B.factory         C.hospital        D.college A.sad         B.happy           C.strange         D.young A.whether        B.when         C.why            D.what A.turned         B.looked          C.gave          D.joined A.rule           B.habit         C.tradition       D.custom A.never          B.usually         C.always          D.sometimes A.put         B.choose          C.save            D.keep A.think          B.ask            C.guess         D.find A.but           B.and            C.so             D.or A.conversations B.discussion     C.statements     D.speeches A.knew from    B.thought over    C.learned about   D.talked about A.finished        B.started          C.stopped         D.lasted A.pauses         B.remains        C.continues        D.follows A.love           B.kindness         C.friendship       D.honesty A.show         B.divide           C.deliver          D.share
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