
完形填空 I had offered to watch my 3-year-old daughter, so that my wife could go out with a friend. I was getting some work done in my study while she 1to be having a good time in the other room. No problem, I figured. But then it got a little too2 and I shouted, What are you doing? No response. I3my question and heard her say, Oh…nothing. Nothing? I got up from my desk and ran out 4the living room, where I saw her running across the hall. I followed and watched her as her little behind(小屁股)made a quick5into the bathroom. I had her6! I told her to turn around. She 7. I pulled o(2013?重庆)老师讲了“密度”这节知识后,小明和小楠对他们都喜欢吃的柑橘的密度感兴趣了,他们拿出一个柑橘,决定想办法测出它的密度.(1)将托盘天平放在水平水平桌面上,将标尺上的游码移到零刻度处,发现指针偏向分度盘的右侧,如图甲所示,此时应将平衡螺母向左左 (选填“左”或“右”)端调节,直到指针指向分度盘的中央.(2)小楠用天平测量柑橘的质量,右盘中的砝码和标尺上的游码位置如图乙所示,则柑橘的质量是220.8220.8g,若小楠再将柑橘浸没在水中测得它的体积为230cm3,则柑橘的密度为0.96×1030.96×103kg/m3.(3)如果小楠做实验时,是先将柑橘浸没在水中测出柑橘的体积,再用天平测出柑橘的质量,则这样测得的柑橘密度比真实值偏大偏大 (选填“偏大”或“偏小”),其原因是柑橘表面沾有水柑橘表面沾有水.(4)实验完成后,小明问小楠是如何测出柑橘体积的,于是小楠将柑橘擦干净,又取出小烧杯、量筒、溢水杯和牙签等.小楠先将溢水杯装满水,接着小楠的做法是:将小烧杯放在溢水口处,小楠借助牙签使这个柑橘浸没在溢水杯中,当溢水杯停止排水后,用量筒测出小烧杯中水的体积即可测得柑橘的体积将小烧杯放在溢水口处,小楠借助牙签使这个柑橘浸没在溢水杯中,当溢水杯停止排水后,用量筒测出小烧杯中水的体积即可测得柑橘的体积.(5)小明在思考,小楠的做法也存在不妥之处,你认为不妥之处是:量筒所测水的体积偏小,这样测得的密度比真实值偏大量筒所测水的体积偏小,这样测得的密度比真实值偏大.
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