
阅读下面的文字,完成后面问题。灯下草虫鸣 潘纤云①倚灯夜读,有虫声从院角黄菊丛内传来,时停时续,忽高忽低,带点诗词里的平仄音律,不紧不慢地在秋夜里弹唱。“灯下草虫鸣”(王维《秋夜独坐》),想着这几个字,指尖慢慢滑过书页,伴着秋虫的浅吟读书,心里更觉温暖得很。②古人说,春听鸟声,夏听蝉声,秋听虫声,冬听雪声。我觉得,这四种声音里,春的鸟声和夏的蝉声过于激烈,浮躁张扬了些,冬的雪声又过于清寂,单调孤寒One day Mrs. Smith was going out to her shopping. 1. ________ She closed the door and locked it careful. 2. ________ Then she put out a note for the milkman on the door: 3. ________ Nobody is at home. Don't leave anything. 4. ________ When she got back in the evening, she found that5. ________ her door open. When she went into house, she 6. ________ found there was nothing leaving in the house. She 7. ________ saw the note still on the door, so more words were 8. ________ added: Thanks! You haven't left 9. ________ anything! That was the result for her note. 10. ________
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