
阅读理解 Mostpeople are good at recognizing the universal facial expressions of our emotions一 anger, joy, sadness, etc., which present a lot of emotionalinformation. In fact, there are less obvious facial expressions calledmicro-expressions (MEs). Huma n beings often show them and communicate theirprivate thoughts to others unconsciously (无意识的).What'smore, people cannot hide them, including the experienced ones. And MEs haveuniversality (普遍性), regardless of one's age, religionor culture. All thefindings lead to the possibilities of MEs' wide use in different fields, wherepe5.配制一定溶质质量分数的NaOH溶液时,造成所配溶液的溶质质量分数偏高的原因可能是(  )A.所用NaOH已潮解B.称量NaOH质量时,将砝码放在左盘,被称量物放在右盘C.天平的左右盘各放一张纸,调节平衡后,将NaOH固体放在纸上称量D.用量筒取水时,俯视水面刻度线读数
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