
The style of the campus is quite different from ________ of most Chinese universities where visitors were amazed by the complex architectural space and abundant building types. A . that B . one C . the one D . those 答案:A某同学利用手中的等高线地形图进行乡土地理观察,他乘车到某一村落,下车后举目所见尽是水田分布,沟渠纵横。读下图,回答下列各题。【1】图中由甲-乙-丙-丁-戊-庚-辛-壬-癸-甲连线所围成的区域属于河流地貌中的 (  )A. 三角洲 B. 冲积平原 C. “V”型河谷 D. 冲积扇【2】该同学所观察的村落最有可能是图中的(  )A. 甲 B. 丙 C. 庚 D. 乙
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