
当今危机是从美国次贷危机引起,从而扩散到全世界,美国由此引起了全球的关注,请根据提示,完成下列探究任务。【独立的美国】1775年4月,北美民兵与英军的交火,揭开了美国独立战争序幕。1776年7月4日,北美大陆会议发表《独立宣言》,宣告北美13个殖民地独立。美国人民经过数年艰苦奋战,终于取得胜利。(1)美国独立战争开始的标志是什么? 英国承认美国独立是哪一年?【统一的美国】北方人思想活跃,视野开阔,崇尚自由贸易,南方人Jane: Hi, Tina!_________Tina: I'm going to the children's hospital to help out with something.Jane: _________Tina: Yes.Jane: That's great. How often do you do it?Tina: Once a week. You know I have lots of other things to do on weekends.Jane: _________Tina: I usually tell stories, play games with the sick children and so on.Jane: _________Tina: Of course you can. I'll go there this Sunday morning. You can go with me then.Jane: OK. _______Tina: Let's meet at the school gate at eight thirty.Jane: OK. See you!1.A.What's the matter with your sister? B.Do you want to be a doctor?C.What's your plan for the weekend? D.Is there a hospital near here?2.A.Did you have a good vacation? B.Do you often do volunteer work?C.Were you late for the meeting? D.Are your parents at home today?3.A.Do you like watching game shows? B.Do you help your mom with housework?C.How many children did you meet? D.What do you do in the children's hospital?4.A.Can l join you? B.That sounds interesting.C.Can you help me? D.I'm good with children.5.A.When will she arrive? B.When did you leave?C.Where shall we meet? D.Where do they live?
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