
你校英语俱乐部举行征文大赛,要求参赛学生介绍一件自己珍藏的物品(如书信、礼物、照片等)。请你用英文写一篇字数为100-120的参赛稿,内容应包括:1). 如何得到这件物品;2). 这件物品对于你的意义。注意: 短文中,不得以任何形式透露本人和学校等真实信息。 答案:When it comes to the thing that I treasure most, jumping into my mind is a book Three days to see. It was a gift from mother, who is always willing to help me. There was a time when I was addicted to online games. Because of that, my study suffered a lot. Instead of scolding me, Mother gave me a book and asked me to read it. Hardly had I finished a few pages when I was greatly attracted by Helen K神经调节的基本方式是 。
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