
语法填空 Sally is a good student.She does well in all her(subject).You must wondershe can study so well.Let me tell you something about her good study habits. First,Sally spends two hours(study) after school every day.And she always studies from seven to nine on schedule.Sally is a very(determine) girl,so nothing can stop her doing that. Second,if Sally wants to start studying,first she(put) everything that has nothing to do with her studying aside,like the cell phone.And(actual) there are only books left on her desk. Third,Sally never(leave) her problems till next day.When she meets some 2013年1月,由于雾霾天气持续笼罩我国中东部大部分地区,口罩市场出现热卖,某旗舰网店用8000元购进甲、乙两种口罩,销售完后共获利2800元,进价和售价如下表:    品名价格甲种口罩乙种口罩进价(元/袋)2025售价(元/袋)2635(1)求该网店购进甲、乙两种口罩各多少袋?(2)该网店第二次以原价购进甲、乙、两种口罩,购进乙种口罩袋数不变,而购进甲种口罩袋数是第一次的2倍.甲种口罩按原售价出售,而乙种口罩让利销售.若两种口罩销售完毕,要使第二次销售活动获利不少于3680元,乙种口罩最低售价为每袋多少元?
英语 试题推荐