
下列各句中加线字没有词类活用现象的是( ) A . 流俗之所轻也 B . 其次不辱身 C . 韩非囚秦,《说难》《孤愤》 D . 魏其,大将也,衣赭衣 答案:C完成句子1.你将会被建筑的精美设计吸引。You _______________the beautiful design of the buildings.2.从这儿到最近的邮局有三公里。_________________here to the nearest post office.3.据说张先生已动身去美国了。_____________that Mr Zhang has left for the USA.4.我小的时候,妈妈常在下班回家的路上买些蔬菜和水果。When I was younger,my mother ______________________some vegetables and fruit_________________from work.5.漓江两岸有许多山脉和形态各异的地下岩洞。There are many mountains and underground caves ___________________________the Li River. 1.will be attracted by 2.It’s three kilometres from 3.It is reported 4.used to buyon her way back 5.in different shapes on both sides of 【解析】 1.分析题干可知本题是一般将来时的被动语态,其结构为:will+be+动词的过去...
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