
如图所示为一款热熔胶枪,可以用于材料涂胶,使用时只需按压扳机,就可从喷嘴挤出熔胶;暂不使用时,还可以打开支架将胶枪斜立放置。下列对该热熔胶枪的评价,不是从功能角度进行评价的是( ) A . 切换电源开关,实现方便通、断电 B . 通过按压扳机,可轻松挤出熔胶 C . 外壳采用工程塑料,强度高 D . 设有支架,不用时可有效防止喷嘴与桌面接触根据短文大意,从方框内选择恰当的单词,将其正确形式填入横线上(每词限用一次)。 know, himself, decide, spend, face, do, successful, in, able, any Liu Qian is a magician(魔术师)from Taiwan. For the CCTV Spring Festival Gala(春节联欢晚会) he put on two magic shows. They were very   1    . Now so many people are crazy about magic.We all want to   2    how to do a trick! Liu didn’t go to    3     magic-training school. He learned by    4   . He worked hard at it. Now he is a great magician. When Liu was seven, he saw a coin trick  5   a big store. At that moment Liu 6 to learn magic.Liu trained hard to better his skills. Then one day he was    7    to put on a show for his class. “I saw the surprise on everyone’s    8    . It was cool.” Liu still    9     his training hard today. He may    10     three years working on a new show.
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