
“智能手环”是种穿戴式智能设备,具有计步统计、能量消耗统计和心率监测等功能,业已成为许多运动人士的专属运动助理产品。 (1) 如图甲所示,小乐在跑步时,以佩戴智能手环的手腕为参照物,智能手环是(选填“运动”或“静止”)的。 (2) 小乐跑步10分钟后,错能手环显示步数是1500步(一步距离约为1米),消耗能量是l00千卡(1千卡=4200焦),此时的心率为130次/分钟。①若小乐跑步的平均作用力为40牛,则她跑步时做功的功率大约阅读理解。     We need to be responsible for our environment. Being a frugal consumer (节俭的消费者) is one wayto help. But, what exactly does that mean?        Use It Up        You can use things up instead of wasting them. Squeeze that last bit of toothpaste out of the tube. Usethe last little piece of soap. Don't throw away any bits of the biscuit at the bottom of the box.        Wear It Out        You do not always need to have new things. Suppose your sneakers have broken laces, but they still fit you. Repair them and wear them longer. You don't have the latest iPhone until the old one doesn't work anymore. Then you can get a new one. Think twice before replacing something that still works.        Make It Do        When something you want is not on hand, look for something else that you already have to take its place. Suppose you are packing your lunch for tomorrow and want a butter sandwich. You are out of butter. Havea cheese sandwich instead so that you can use all of the cheese. Learn to fix broken toys instead of justthrowing them away. With a little thought, you can make something do, instead of buying something new.        Do Without        Think about all those things that you would like to have. Do you really need them? How long will you really play with that new toy you saw on TV? Making the things that we want uses up your world's resources(资源). And, getting rid of the things we don't want any more takes up even more resources and space. 1. Do we need to be responsible for our environment?      __________________________________________________ 2. How do we deal with the last little piece of soap?      __________________________________________________  3. When do we need to get a new iPhone?    __________________________________________________ 4. What should we do when something we want is not on hand?     __________________________________________________ 5. What does the writer want to tell us?    __________________________________________________ 
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