
阅读下面短文, 根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事.A few years ago I worked in an international company that sold computer devices. I had to travel a lot over the country as a part of my work. I remember that I was at a stage of my life where I only cared about how to make more money.On one of my trips, I came to the airport to take a bus to downtown, as usual. It was the same routine: get into the city, take the bus to the hotel, visit the customer, work late, take the bus back to the airport and fly back…That day, for some reasons, I decided to take th 下列属于我国内海的是(    ) A、台湾海峡、琼州海峡       B、渤海、黄海       C、南海、东海    D、琼州海峡、渤海
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