
阅读下面这首宋词,完成下列各题。鹧鸪天 寻菊花无有,戏作辛弃疾掩鼻人间臭腐场,古来惟有酒偏香。自从来住云烟畔,直到而今歌舞忙。呼老伴,共秋光。黄花何处避重阳?要知烂熳开时节,直待西风一夜霜。【注】此人渴望能够收复中原,展露才干,却遭奸臣谗害,被贬如今的江西上饶铅山云烟畔。 (1) 下列对这首词的赏析,不恰当的两项是( ) A . “掩鼻人间臭腐场,古来惟有酒偏香”两句,词人把官场比作“臭腐场”,拿“酒偏用适当的形容词或副词填空(首字母已给出) 1. A large number of mouths must be fed in those less d______ countries.2. That evening Beethoven played the music for the girl as well as u______.3. Hawaii is f_______ for its beautiful beaches.4. He often takes an a______ part in the sports meeting and he can get very good results each time.5. The performance was so w_______ that everyone gave a long and loud applause(鼓掌).6. Jiefang Road is the b_____ street in our city.7. She lay a______ for hours thinking over her business.8. I like ball games very much, but my f_______ sport is playing basketball.9. The boy is too l______. He doesn’t want to do anything.10. The dictionary is very u________. It will help you a lot.
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