
阅读理解 In today's society, almost half of allmarriages in America end in divorce, which means many children have divorcedparents, and 1 am by no means a rare case. There are plenty of other peopleunderstanding the difficulty of having separated parents and living in twohouseholds. Despite this, people who haven't personally experienced divorcereally have no idea what it's like. My parents have handled divorce and jointcustody(监护) well, at least better than expected.Occasionally my parents put up the curtain to block my brother and I from thereality and I will get a glimpse of the not下列关于我国地形的说法,不正确的是( )A.类型复杂多样 B.山地面积最大C.平原、丘陵多集中分布在热带地区 D.各类地形交错分布
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