
阅读理解 Moksh Jawa, 16, a student at Washington High School in the US, has already become a legend(传奇) among students. “Why not?” might be his favorite question to ask. As a seventh-grader, he taught himself coding(编程) by studying on the Internet. As a high school freshman, he passed the AP Computer Science A exam with a 5, the highest score possible. As a sophomore (高中二年级学生), he developed his own online course and helped his classmates get through it because his high school didn't teach coding. Everything he did came from his own interest. His father sent him a 把下列句子组成语意连贯的语段,排序最恰当的一组是①站在昆明湖边②总觉得这里面有一种莫名其妙的荒诞感③皇家园林在这秋阳照耀下显得既庄严灿烂④又倒映在昆明湖如镜的水面上⑤天高日朗,缕缕白云飘在蓝天⑥又典雅秀丽⑦真是一幅“云淡风轻两无心”的悠闲画图⑧我看着天,看着云,看着这一幅园林美景A.⑤④⑦③⑥①⑧②B.③⑥①②⑧④⑤⑦C.①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧D.①⑧②③⑥⑤④⑦
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