
阅读理解Traffic jam is a problem for cities around the world, with some looking toelectricscooters(踏板车)to ease the problem, and others to AI-enabled traffic lights. But one companybelieves the solution is to build a network of driver-less higher-speed pods(吊舱) that ride around cities suspended(悬挂) froma steel track. In June, Belarus-based u Sky Transport opened a 400-meter test line inSharjah( 沙加).From the outside, the electrically powered pods are white while the inside isdesigned to feel like a first-class airline suite, including mood lighting, musicand floor-to-ceilin构建和谐社会和深入开展反邪教,一个是建设中国特色社会主义的一项基础任务,一个是建设中国特色社会主义不可缺少的重要工作,两者是紧密联系的。青少年要拒绝“法L功”等邪教的诱惑,与邪教作坚决的斗争。因为邪教A.虽然有利于社会稳定.但它威胁人民的生命财产安全B.虽然有其科学性,但负面影响太大C.虽然对信奉者有益,但它是反人类、反社会、反科学的D.是威胁人民生命财产安全和社会稳定的毒瘤
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