
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 、D四个选项中选可以填入空白处的最佳选项 ZhangMengqiu, born in 2002, won two gold and three silver medals in all five eventsof the women's alpine skiing standing at the Winter Paralympic Games. She1viewers by styling five different hairdos at award ceremonies to2herconfidence, beauty, as well as optimism towards life.Zhang,who suffered from functional movement disorder as a consequence of cerebralpalsy (脑瘫), was3toAlpine skiing in Hebei para-team in 2016. Zhang's4speedwas slightly slower than others due to her5disadvantage.在殖民掠夺的过程中,英国凭借强大的实力先后打败了西班牙、荷兰和法国,在世界各地夺取了大片殖民地,被称为(  )A.海上马车夫B.日不落帝国C.无敌舰队D.拜占庭帝国
英语 试题推荐