
阅读理解Ensley made me a poet.WhenI was one, my parents and I moved into a tiny apartment off 20th Street. Iwrote my first poem sitting in the corner of my bedroom, surrounded by toys. Iwas 7 or 8 and the poem was for my best friend who had moved away. I was angrywith him for being willing to leave me, and when I get angry, I get mean. Ifigured his leaving would be easier to face, if I pushed him away first. But assoon as the moving truck pulled away, I realized how foolish I'd been.So I wrote him a poem to apologize. The poem was terrible, of course, but with it, a lifelong love affair be名著阅读。(6分)1.唐僧道:“猴头!还有甚说话!出家人行善,如春园之草,不见其长,日有所增;行恶之人,如磨刀之石,不见其损,日有所亏。你在这荒郊野外,一连打死三人,还是无人检举,没有对头;倘到城市之中,人烟凑集之所,你拿了那哭丧棒,一时不知好歹,乱打起人来;撞出大祸,教我怎的脱身?你回去罢!”行者道:“师父错怪了我也。这厮分明是个妖魔,他实有心害你。我倒打死他,替你除了害,你却不认得,反信了那呆子谗言冷语,屡次逐我。”请问上面文段中所提到的妖魔、呆子分别是谁?这妖魔先后三次分别变为哪三位人物来哄骗唐僧,却被孙悟空一一识破?(5分)2.孙悟空被铁扇公主扇到小须弥山后,灵吉菩萨称自己当年受如来教旨,如来赐了他两样东西,一是定风丹,另一个是____________  (1分)
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