
This is what HBO’s Veep has been trying to do—by making US presidential election into a comedy.Presented for the first time in 2012, Veep follows the daily life of Selina Meyer, the fictional vice-president (or “Veep” for short) of the US. We see that as much as Meyer wants to have an influence, she—despite being the second-in-command of the country—is constantly ignored by the president and kept away from important meetings. Meyer herself isn’t exactly competent: she has to put out political fires every once in a while but usually ends up making things worse.The show also finds 根据我国载人航天工程二期实施计划,2011年下半年将先后发射“天宫一号”目标飞行器和“神舟八号”飞船,并进行两者间的无人交会对接飞行试验.某同学得知上述消息后,画出“天宫一号”和“神舟八号”绕地球做匀速圆周运动的假想图,如图所示,A代表“天宫一号”,B代表“神舟八号”,虚线为各自的轨道.根据此假想图,可以判定( )A.“天宫一号”的运行速度大于第一宇宙速度B.“天宫一号”的周期小于“神舟八号”的周期C.“天宫一号”的向心加速度大于“神舟八号”的向心加速度D.“神舟八号”加速有可能与“天宫一号”实现对接
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