
—My plane is the one that at 10 a.m.—Then you need to hurry. It in half an hour. A . is about to take off, takes off B . is about to take off, is taking off C . takes off, is taking off D . takes off, is about to take off 答案:C10.在一定条件下,同一反应进行的快慢与反应物的溶质质量分数成正比.现在用100克溶质质量分数为30%的硫酸溶液与过量的镁粉反应,为了使反应慢点而又不影响生成氢气的总量,可以向该硫酸溶液中加入适量的(  )A.氢氧化钠B.硫酸钾溶液C.碳酸钠溶液D.碱式碳酸铜
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