
Every morning, when I'm on my way to work, I see people who are homeless, sleeping in doorways and on sidewalks. They're clearly in____of help. I feel very sad to____this, and most people walk by,____they don't exist and don't offer any help at all, not____a word.Recently, it has been extremely____in Vancouver, Canada, which makes things very_ ______for the homeless.I usually arrive at my____around 8 am. Those homeless people in the area are trying to____in cold weather, so sometimes I'm not sure whether it's a good idea to leave something for them while sleeping, as it may get____.Today, I___19、1953年,日本的水俣市出现了病因不明的“狂猫症”和人的“水俣病”,成群的家猫狂奔乱跳,集体跳入水中,病人感到全身骨痛难忍。直到1965年才查明,此病是由该市60公里以外的一家公司排出含汞废水进入水体引起的。可见,人类的活动会影响环境,而环境的变化又影响着人类自身的生存和发展。请你结合恩施市的生态环境、生产或生活实际状况作答: (1)列举一个人类活动破坏生态环境的实例。 (2)针对该例提出一个探究性问题。 (3)应用已有知识作出假设。 (4)说出探究该问题的方法。 (5)提出解决问题的建议方案。
英语 试题推荐